Therapeutic approaches tailored to meet the unique needs of clients.
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Individual Counseling

Individual counseling may involved managing a life skill (such as controlling emotions or working through an incident) but it can also be a specialized trauma therapeutic process designed to help people work through the effects of traumatic experiences and regain a sense of safety, stability, and control in their lives. Trauma can stem from a wide range of experiences, including accidents, abuse, loss, violence, natural disasters, or any event that overwhelms a person's ability to cope. Counseling aims to address both the immediate and long-term impacts of trauma on an individual’s mental, emotional, and physical well-being. All therapists integrate different modalities to assist clients with trauma but nearly all use a phased intervention building coping and resilience skills before moving into crisis work on to stabilization. Individual trauma counseling provides a compassionate space for healing, allowing individuals to address, process, and transcend traumatic experiences. By fostering self-compassion, resilience, and self-awareness, trauma counseling supports individuals on their path toward recovery and renewed self-empowerment.  If you are seeking a specific modality, please let us know and we will match you up with the appropriate therapist.

Somatic Experiencing

Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a body-oriented therapeutic approach designed to help individuals process and release the physical and emotional effects of trauma. Developed by Dr. Peter Levine, SE is based on the understanding that trauma often becomes “stuck” in the body, creating tension, pain, and chronic stress. Unlike traditional talk therapy, SE focuses on building awareness of bodily sensations, such as tightness, warmth, or numbness, which can be indicators of how the body has stored traumatic responses. During sessions, a therapist guides the individual through gentle, mindful tracking of physical sensations and emotions, often moving at a pace that prioritizes comfort and safety. By engaging with these sensations, the body’s natural healing responses are gradually “unwound,” allowing for the discharge of pent-up energy associated with trauma. This process helps to alleviate stress, restore a sense of calm, and reestablish the individual’s innate ability to self-regulate, enhancing resilience and emotional stability.

Relationship Counseling

Marriage, Pre-Marital and Family Therapy

Marriage, couples, and family counseling focuses on strengthening relationships and addressing challenges within close interpersonal dynamics. This type of counseling is designed to assist individuals in families and partnerships in achieving healthier communication, resolving conflicts, and fostering understanding, respect, and empathy among all members. Many of our therapists use an integrative approach, combining elements from cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), Adlerian Family, Communication skill training, EMDR and Imago. We also do Premarital Counseling for couples who are contemplating marriage. Counseling, in this context, typically involves communication challenges, differing life goals, jealousy, and trust issues.

Expressive Arts, Sand and Play Therapy

Expressive and creative therapies have been around for centuries and there is clear evidence of the positive effects of expressive therapies for those who have experienced trauma, have anxiety and medical issues. They have even been shown to improve concentration and prevent suicide. Outside of the Box Therapy incorporates expressive therapies in our modalities through the two play rooms, sand trays and movements.


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) was originally developed as a treatment for PTSD symptoms and is one of the two approved treatments recognized federally to treat trauma. It involves processing the memory and the way it is stored in the brain with a goal to reduce problematic triggers and symptoms. Dr. Rogers-Larke is trained and certified in providing EMDR to both adults and children, which she usually combines with Somatic Experiencing.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical means combining opposite ideas. DBT allows those that experience severe emotional dysregulation to accept the reality of their lives and their behaviors, helping them to change their lives and their behaviors that are impacting them negatively. “Traditional” DBT is typically a six months to a year process with two visits a week, individual and group. However, it should be noted that many insurances do not cover DBT and this may have to be cash only. However, Outside of the Box does attempt to work with insurance through a reduction and combination of services.

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