Therapeutic approaches tailored to meet the unique needs of clients.
A logo for outside of the box therapy with a box and a question mark.

Consultations and Supervision

A white background with a few lines on it

For professional counselors who are considering a supervisor, Outside of the Box Therapy offers several different types of supervision.

Licensed Professional Counselor Supervision with Dr. Christie

  • Individual rates - $60/hr
  • Group rates (up to 6 people) - $160/hr

Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor Supervision

  • Individual rates- $80/hr
  • Group rates (up to 6 people) - $175/hr

Supervision Contract

EMDR consultation

  • Consultation groups for clinicians seeking EMDRIA Certification meet 10 times for 60 minutes each for a total fee of $75 paid at or before the first group
  • Consultation groups for clinicians not seeking certification but additional skill development meet as needed for 60 minutes for a total of $50 paid at or before group
  • Individual consultation - $80/hr

EMDR Consultation Agreement

Registered Play Therapist Supervision

  • The supervisee agrees to pay $100 per one-hour individual session. If the session is a group format, each supervisee will pay $75 per one-hour. The fee for two-hour groups is $125. If 24-hour cancellation is not given by the supervisee, supervisee will be responsible for paying a $25 cancellation fee.

Play Therapy Supervision Contract

EMDR Group Consultation

2 hours @ $100.00

Play Therapy - Individual Session - $80

1 hour @ $80.00

Play Therapy - Group Session - $75

1 hour @ $75.00

LPC Supervision - Individual Session

1 hour @ $60.00

LPC Supervision - Individual Supervisor Session

1 hour @ $80.00

Outside of the Box Therapy presents...

The ABC's of Behavioral Analysis

Speaker: Scott Robinson

Behavior Analysis is the application of behavioral science to socially important behavior.

An Introduction to Evidence-Based Behavioral Planning

An overview of the importance of behavior planning through behavioral assessment, data collection and analysis.

Seminar Information:

Date: 12/06/2024

Time: 3:00PM EST

Where: Virtual

Cost: $300

3 CEUs

Register Here

Scott Robinson M.A, QIDP, HFSS, is skilled in Applied Behavior Analysis, Functional Analytical Psychotherapy and Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Scott has worked in the behavioral health/human service field for over 30 years as an educator, clinician, and professor of education. Mr. Robinson has worked with diverse populations including Developmental Disabilities, Mental Illness, Sensory Disabilities and TBI. He is deeply committed to using his skills and experience to uplift and transform the lives of the people he supports, in positive and meaningful ways.

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